Vanilla Swingers – A swinger podcast for newbies, by newbies in the lifestyle


How to Talk to Your Partner About Swinging

New Swinger Podcast | Apple | Spotify

Curious about swinging? Get ready to dive into the wild, sexy world of the lifestyle with Kat & Leo from the Vanilla Swingers! From communication to etiquette, here’s your ultimate newbie guide to swinging—real talk, no fluff.

By: Kat Swings

So, you’ve been thinking about swinging, but how in the world do you bring that up with your partner without it getting super awkward? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Talking to your significant other about exploring the swinging lifestyle can feel like walking through a minefield of potential awkwardness, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can have an open, honest, and—dare we say—exciting conversation. Here’s how to navigate the waters of that chat without making it weird. Buckle up!

Don’t forget to check out more newbie swinger advice in our Vanilla Swingers podcast.

Talk your partner into swinging meme

Pick the Right Time (Hint: Not at 2 A.M. After Netflix and Chill)

First things first: timing is everything. You don’t want to casually drop, “Hey babe, ever thought about swinging?” right as your partner is falling asleep or in the middle of a busy day. Choose a moment when both of you are relaxed, maybe on a low-key date night or during a weekend chill sesh. Set the vibe for an open conversation, so no one feels blindsided.

Pro tip: Avoid bringing it up during a heated argument or when either of you is stressed. Swinging is meant to be fun, not fuel for tension.

Be Honest, but Keep It Light

Now, you don’t need to throw out a PowerPoint presentation on why swinging could be great for your relationship (unless that’s your thing, then by all means, go for it!). Start by explaining your thoughts gently and honestly. You can say something like, “I’ve been thinking about ways we can spice things up and explore new experiences together.”

Pro Tip: I wouldn’t use the term swinger or swinging to start – keep it lowkey and talk about exploring sexually.

This isn’t the time for ultimatums or pushing an agenda—just express curiosity and openness. Make sure your partner knows that this is something you want to explore together for mutual fun and excitement, not because you’re dissatisfied or looking for something outside the relationship.

Share Your Fantasies and Listen to Theirs

This is where things get fun. Swinging is about exploring fantasies, so why not start with a casual chat about what turns you both on? Don’t dive straight into “let’s swap partners,” but instead, open the door to talking about fantasies in general. Maybe you’ve both secretly had some wild thoughts but never felt comfortable sharing them.

Once you start sharing, make sure you’re just as interested in hearing your partner’s fantasies. The goal here is to see if your desires align—and if they don’t, that’s totally okay too. Swinging isn’t for everyone, and it’s all about mutual satisfaction.

Emphasize Boundaries, Always

One way to avoid the weird factor? Focus on boundaries. Make it clear that swinging isn’t a free-for-all; it’s something that requires clear communication and consent from both sides. Before you dive in, talk about what you’d both be comfortable with and what’s off-limits. Are you open to watching other couples, soft swap, or maybe something more?

Setting these boundaries early will make the idea of swinging feel less overwhelming and more manageable for both of you. And trust me, boundaries will be your best friend once you step into the lifestyle.

Do Your Research Together

Knowledge is power, and that definitely applies when you’re discussing swinging with your partner. Instead of you being the “expert” and overwhelming your partner with everything you’ve learned, suggest doing some research together. Whether it’s browsing swinger forums on Reddit or checking out beginner podcasts like ours (Vanilla Swingers), exploring resources as a team takes the pressure off and makes it feel like a mutual decision.

Pro Tip: Lifestyle podcasts will be your best friend. Some are funny, some are helpful, some are sexy. Listen to as many of them as you can together! 

Be Prepared for All Reactions

Here’s the truth: your partner may be intrigued, excited, or totally turned off by the idea—and you need to be prepared for all reactions. They might need time to process, and that’s perfectly normal. Don’t expect an immediate “Yes, let’s do it!” if they’ve never considered swinging before. Give them the space to think it over, ask questions, and express their feelings.

If they’re not into the idea, don’t push. Instead, thank them for hearing you out and let the conversation settle. Swinging only works if both partners are equally enthusiastic about it.

Keep the Conversation Going

Once you’ve had the initial chat, don’t just drop the subject and move on. Keep checking in with your partner to see how they’re feeling about the idea. Swinging is a journey, and so is the conversation around it. Whether your partner is excited to try or still on the fence, staying open and communicative will help strengthen your relationship—no matter what path you end up choosing.

And who knows? A few weeks or months down the line, you might find yourselves both ready to take the plunge into the swinging lifestyle.

💋 Happy swinging! 

Find all of this and more on this episode of our top-rated swingers podcast for new couples to the lifestyle, the Vanilla Swingers podcast!

Swinger Lingo (check Swinger Dictionary for more!)

Heteronormative: A term describing the societal expectation that heterosexuality is the default or normal sexual orientation. Society’s way of saying ‘straight is the default,’ like it’s the only vanilla flavor on the menu.

Compersion: The ultimate feel-good vibe in the world of non-monogamy, where seeing your partner’s pleasure brings a smile to your face and a flutter to your heart.

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