That said, the exclusivity and luxury come at a price—literally. These dinners are notoriously expensive, with tickets often starting at $500 to $600 per couple, depending on the venue. For many, this price point feels steep for an evening that doesn’t include any lifestyle activity. And while the dinners are a great way to meet like-minded individuals, the lack of a playful or sultry atmosphere might leave some feeling that the experience falls short of what they typically look for in a lifestyle event.
From past attendees, the dinners are seen as a thinly veiled interview process to join the super elusive and selective, The Group, which hosts even more exclusive luxury events throughout the year. These events range from Las Vegas weekends with helicopter rides into the Grand Canyon to luxurious yacht stays at Freak Fest in the Florida Keys. While undeniably luxurious, the additional costs for these events can quickly add up, with annual membership fees ranging from $2500-$10,000, according to The Group’s site, plus additional fees for each luxurious stay, making the overall experience one that appeals primarily to those with significant disposable income and probably significantly more mature.