Vanilla Swingers – A swinger podcast for newbies, by newbies in the lifestyle


What is the Swingermoon? Kiss'n'Tell Our Honeymoon of Swinging

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We’re knee-deep in our Swingermoon, speedrunning the lifestyle like it’s a race to the finish line. Why play monthly when we can gobble up every wild adventure now? The clock’s ticking—let’s go!

By: Kat Swings

You know that giddy, can’t-get-enough, “OMG we’re actually doing this” phase of swinging? That’s the Swingermoon—the honeymoon period where every playdate feels like a scandalous secret, every club visit is a grand adventure, and you’re constantly buzzing with the thrill of new experiences. But here’s the kicker – it doesn’t last forever.

That’s right. Whether you’re dipping your toes in once a month or cannonballing into the deep end nightly, the Swingermoon has an expiration date. We’re talking 1 to 2 years, tops—no matter how much action you’re packing in. So, the logical conclusion? Pack in as much as humanly possible. All this and more in our most recent episode of the Vanilla Swingers podcast.

Vanilla Swingers kiss n tell swingermoon

What is the Swingermoon?

So, what is the Swingermoon? Think of it as the honeymoon phase of swinging—that electrifying, can’t-get-enough, butterflies-and-bed-hopping stage where every club visit, playdate, and spicy group chat feels like the sexiest adventure of your life. It’s intoxicating, addicting, and oh-so-fleeting. This phase lasts 1-2 years max, no matter how slow or fast you go—so why not go full throttle?

Why Play Monthly When You Can Play All the Time?

Some people take the slow-and-steady approach, maybe dipping into the lifestyle monthly or bi-monthly, savoring every encounter like a fine wine. That’s cute. We, however, are speedrunning the hell out of the lifestyle.

Why? Because we know this giddy, intoxicating phase won’t last forever. One day, we’ll be those “seasoned” swingers rolling our eyes at the newbies, muttering, “Ah, to be new again.” But right now? We’re in the thick of it, and it’s a swinger buffet. So why limit ourselves?

Why Threesomes are the GOAT

The Bucket F*ck-It List

If the Swingermoon is fleeting, then there’s only one responsible thing to do – get through as many bucket-list items as possible before we become jaded, over it, and in bed by 9 PM. So let’s talk about the Bucket F*ck-It List—the must-do, must-fuck, must-experience checklist before the Swingermoon glow fades.

🔥 MFFFF Madness – Why stop at a dreamy MFF when you can turn it into a full-blown MFFFF free-for-all? It’s like leveling up from basic math to quantum physics, except way more fun and significantly wetter. Hmm, check!!

✈️ Mile High Club – A cheeky little romp in a real airplane? Challenge accepted. Bonus points if you can pull it off on a commercial flight without getting arrested. Challenge accepted!

🎭 Masquerade Sex Party – Fancy masks ala Eyes Wide Shut, sultry whispers, and the delicious thrill of not knowing exactly who’s under that mask until you’re already tangled up in them? Challenge accepted!

🏝 Swinging in Paradise – Cap d’Agde? Desire RM in Mexico? Hedonism in Jamaica? If there’s a tropical backdrop and the chance of accidentally seeing your favorite podcasters mid-thrust, we’re in. Challenge accepted!

💎 Finding Gold in Them Thar Hills (AKA Young Guys Who Can Keep Up) – Kat’s got a current thing for younger guys. We’re talking hungry, eager, and willing to follow instructions—the perfect storm for some Swingermoon mayhem. Ahem, check!!

Dating younger guys funny meme

More Than the Heat, It’s the Spaces Between

Amidst the whirlwind of steamy encounters and sexual Olympics-level stamina, there’s something just as intoxicating – the spaces between. The quiet moments after the chaos, where bodies are tangled, laughter bubbles up over something ridiculous, and the aftercare is just as intimate as the main event. It’s the way someone absentmindedly traces circles on your back, the deep exhale as you sink into each other, the whispered check-ins that turn into sweet nothings. Sure, the mind-blowing sexy fun is unforgettable, but sometimes it’s the soft moments – the warmth, the connection, the simple joy of being wrapped up together – that stay with you long after the night is over.

The Clock is Ticking—So Let’s Go Hard

We’re only in the swingermoon once. We’ll only have this insane, high-energy, every-playdate-feels-like-a-movie-moment phase once. So, why waste time?

Some people ease in slowly, testing the waters, building connections, playing it safe. Adorable. We prefer the rollercoaster approach—strapped in, hands up, screaming “LET’S GOOOOO” as we speed toward another night of indulgence.

Because one day, we’ll wake up and realize… the Swingermoon is over. The excitement will settle into something more predictable. We’ll have seen it all and done it all, and vanilla life will settle back in. And when that day comes, we want to look back knowing we wrung out every last sweaty drop.

So, to all our fellow Swingermooners. Don’t wait. Don’t hold back. Get out there and gobble up every adventure, every fantasy, every sweaty, tangled-up moment. Because this hedonistic honeymoon ride won’t last forever – but damn, it’s fun while it does.

Find all of this and more on this episode of our top-rated swingers podcast for new couples to the lifestyle, the Vanilla Swingers podcast!

Swinger Lingo (check Swinger Dictionary for more!)

Aftercare: The tender TLC and cuddles post-passion, because even the wildest nights need a gentle landing. This vital practice of providing emotional and physical support to partners after intense swinging or sexual activities, ensures partners’ well-being and nurturing their bond.

FFM: Two fabulous ladies and one lucky guy—it’s his dream team, with all eyes (and hands) on creating unforgettable magic.

MFFFF: One man, one woman, and three bi babes making dreams (and limbs) intertwine. Leo didn’t even know this was his ultimate bucket list item—challenge accepted… and thoroughly conquered.

Swingermoon: Kat & Leo’s coined term – that electrifying, toe-curling honeymoon phase of swinging—1-2 years of NRE-fueled madness where every night feels like a sexy adventure, and you’ve fully cannonballed into the deep end!

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